All Community Employment positions are developmental opportunities, no experience necessary. Accredited training will be provided to support you career.

Participants on the CE scheme can take up other part-time work during their placement. 

If you need childcare in order to become a CE participant, you can apply for the National Childcare Scheme (NCS).

You will keep your medical card when you are on CE.

You will keep your entitlement to the extra benefits you were getting immediately before going onto CE, provided you continue to satisfy the conditions for these benefits.

If you are aged between 21 and 55 years, your CE placement generally lasts for one year, however, if you are working towards a major education award, your CE placement can be extended by up to 2 years to complete this award. 

If you are aged over 55, you can stay on CE for 3 consecutive years.

If you are aged 60 years and over and meet the CE eligibility requirements, you can stay continuously on CE until you qualify for a State pension.

Job Type:

Community Employment vacancies are available in various areas within the EDI Centre and include: Reception, Clerical, Administration, Catering, Accounts, General Operative, Cleaner/Caretaker, Support Worker, Van driver

Community Employment Application Details:

Eligibility to participate on CE is generally linked to those who are 21 years or over and in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for 1 year or more or 18 years and over for certain disadvantaged groups. Your eligibility will have to be verified by the Department. For more information click here

For more information on Community Employment a video can be found on in the “Whats Going On” section. Or you can watch the video here

You can also register your interest by selecting the ‘Register your interest’ button on the Jobs Ireland website or you can contact a case officer in your local Intreo Centre. Applicants should supply suitable character references and be prepared to complete a Garda vetting application form.

Please submit CVs to Nicola or Marie:  or

You can post CVs to: CE Assistant Coordinator, EDI Centre, 11A2 Mastertech Business Park, Athlone Road, Longford, N39 Y0F4.

Or if you are passing by you can drop your CV into our reception area, please mark CVs for the attention of the CE Assistant Coordinator.

You can also contact Nicola and Marie by phoning 043-3347515

More information on the EDI Centre’s Community Employment Scheme vacancies can be found on our Blog