We Can Quit – Stop Smoking Programme
We Can Quit is a free, friendly and supportive group programme for men and women, who smoke and who want support to quit smoking.
The evidence suggests that if you commit to quitting and staying quit for 28 days, use behavioural support such as the support offered within this programme as well as stop smoking medication, you are five times more likely to quit for good.
During the programme you will be supported to quit smoking by:
- expertly trained community facilitators who are trained by the HSE as Stop Smoking Advisors
- the peers in your group and
- a local community pharmacist
The programme provides:
- Weekly group support sessions, led by two community facilitators who are trained as stop smoking advisors (a minimum of 7 weeks programme with each session lasting approximately 1.5 hours)
- One-to-one support from the community facilitators (a support phone call or text message during the week)
- 12 weeks supply of free stop smoking medications
All of the community facilitators are fully trained by the HSE as Stop Smoking Advisors.
They will be able to provide you with the behavioural support that you will need on your journey, as well as advice and information on the stop smoking medications.
The courses can be delivered as female only, male only or mixed gender programmes.
The programme is being offered by The EDI Centre in partnership with the HSE.
Here is what two of our past participants have said about the course:
Success story 1:
“I’m the father of a young family, I wanted to QUIT SMOKING for health reasons. I smoked 20 cigarettes daily, for over 15 years. I had at least five previous failed attempts to Quit, even after a major operation.
Thankfully with the support of the EDI Centre WE CAN QUIT six-week programme, I’m delighted to say that I am now 15 months smoke FREE!!
My health & quality of life has greatly improved, as well as my finances!
I would highly recommend giving the WE CAN QUIT programme a go if you have thought of quitting, it offers fantastic one to one support and group sessions, with the added benefit of FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy which saves you even more money.
It really is an excellent programme!!”
Success story 2:
“The Quit smoking class in the EDI Centre was just what I needed to give me a boost to stop smoking. It was a tremendous help and the support I got was the best. I can proudly say I am 8 weeks smoke free.”
To register for our next course click here or alternatively you can use the QR Code below to register your interest
For more information contact Geraldine or Bernie directly by phoning 087 7013103 or email:
For more on HSE Quit services go to quit.ie